Dog Constipation - What to Do

Most healthy dogs pass about one or two stools a day, but if they have a condition called constipation they might not be able to pass any stool at all.

One or two days without passing any stool is usually not too big a concern but if it gets to be two or three days you should see your veterinarian.

\"pumpkin Pie\"

Constipation is most likely seen in middle age and older dogs and one of the most common predisposing factors is not drinking enough water.

This is also the most common cause of constipation in humans as well so try to encourage your dog to drink more water.

You could do this by feeding a canned or soft dog food, or even by putting some gravy over their kibble.

Another condition that can cause constipation is hypothyroidism. This is another common condition in middle aged to older dogs where there is a deficiency of thyroid hormone and a slowing of the dog's metabolism. In this case a simple correcting of the thyroid hormone balance resolves the constipation issue.

One great way to trying to stimulate your dog to defecate is to feed them some canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie mix. Pumpkin acts as a great laxative and your dog will actually liked the taste.

Remember be careful and consult your veterinarian before giving your dog any human laxatives as these can cause dangerous electrolyte imbalances.

Remember as always, the best way is always to prevent constipation for happening so always make sure your dog has lots of fresh clean water to drink.

Dog Constipation - What to Do

Barb loves to write articles about pets and has several websites dealing with pets. One of them is about how to shop for a extra large dog crate and dog crate covers.

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